
How Fitness became Feminist

kettlebell-swingTen years ago the section of my gym where the heavy lifting occurs was a woman-free zone. Now it’s not unusual to find women, not men, using the two large metal frames or “cages”  that hold barbells for doing heavyweight squats.  

There’s a new sense of gender equality in the world of working out, with more women doing the same exercises and using the same equipment as men. Rather than clustering on the cardio machines, women are springing on and off boxes, tackling Olympic lifts and muscling in on the pull-up bar – and for that we can thank CrossFit, according to  a new book that charts the evolution of fitness culture from ancient Greece to the present day.    

CrossFit, the program that mixes elements of high intensity interval training, lifting, plyometrics and gymnastics – among other things – has normalised men and women working out together says Daniel Kunitz, a New York-based contributor to Vanity Fair and author of Why the Pain? What’s the Gain?

“Previously, even when females had access to exercise, they were an afterthought, held to lower standards and assumed to be less capable than their male counterparts,” he writes. “CrossFit has put women on a rigorously equal and as thoroughly visible footing as men.”

Sydney-based strength coach Tony Boutagy couldn’t agree more.

“Heavy strength training movements like Olympic lifting or doing squats or deadlifts with heavy weights were traditionally things women didn’t do – instead the majority of women were doing fat burning aerobics and focusing on toning butts and abs,” says Boutagy who trains both elite athletes and fitness professionals . “I think there are women who’ve always wanted to do chin ups and now CrossFit has made resistance training more accessible.”



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August schedule 2016

Is CrossFit for Women?

crossfittwoBut of course…. check this out!!

CrossFit seems like such a man thing. Weights, chinups, more weights. Does it really work for women too? Ellie Welsman, who owns the first CrossFit women’s only gym states her case for and Luke Istomin, The Juice Daily’s resident fitness expert from LIFE online, chimes in.


1. It will shrink your butt

Ellie: The thing with CrossFit is that when you build muscle it will burn more fat than if you didn’t have that muscle. Your body will get leaner and it will burn more calories to feed that muscle. It will basically turn your body into a fat burning machine. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, boxjumps, skipping are all basics in crossfit classes. Strength training coupled with high intensity training allows women to have a faster metabolism and burn more fat whilst staying still.

Luke: By utilising Olympic lifting in the workouts, and by following a diet free of refined foods and sugars, women can expect to see a increase in lean muscle tissue and a reduction in body fat.

2. It will help you make the bus

Ellie: ‘Cause if you’re running for the bus but have to stop and breathe, you need a fitness injection. Cardio, strength, power, endurance, stamina, agility, co-ordination, balance, accuracy and flexibility are the 10 elements of fitness. The better you are at each one, the fitter you are. CrossFit aims to increase all these aspects of fitness so you are the fittest woman you can be!

3. It will help prevent osteoporosis

Ellie: Which you’re probably not worried about now, but you will be at some point. Strength training is crucial to avoid osteoporosis, poor joint health, weak bones and muscles – prevalent problems in older women. CrossFit utilizes strength training and helps decrease these problems in many women.

4. It will keep you younger, for longer

Ellie: Studies have shown that the best way to improve your longevity is to increase your mobility – that is, being mobile or able to move well for longer. CrossFit strongly emphasises this and training is about learning to move well as well as getting fit and strong helping you stay younger for longer!

5. It won’t bulk you up

Ellie: You would have to do a lot of lifting and a lot of gymnastics to really build muscle. If you look at a lot of the top Crossfit women they train for 6 hours a day, lots of volume, heavy weights, lots of gymnastics – they are going to be a lot more toned and build more muscele than the average woman. You don’t see a body building figure on Crossfitters. The average woman won’t bulk up because you need the correct nutrition etc. If your goal is to slim down and tone up, that’s what Cross Fitters look like – they’re lean and strong. Cross fit will give you low body fat.

6. It can help boost your self confidence

Ellie: Once you realise how strong and fit you can be, you begin to realise there’s not just one body type you’re striving for. Everyone has a different body – the model body type is not the ideal for everyone and is certainly not achievable for everyone. But a strong, fit body makes you feel amazing.

Luke: CrossFit women enjoy the confidence gained from learning great skill set in Olympic lifting. The workouts of the day (WOD) are brief but high intensity sessions designed to keep them lean and strong. So the confidence from becoming leaner, fitter, faster and stronger all play a huge role in its appeal to women. With both men and women working out side by side and lifting the relevant weight for both sexes, it’s not unusual to see many women kicking mens butts (and egos) in a WOD.

7. It encourages healthy eating

Ellie: Crossfit encourages optimum nutrition so you can get the most out of your training. You can’t be sitting around eating chocolate and drinking coke all day if you want to feel good! Everything ties in together. We generally talk about paleo or the zone diets, but you need to find out what works for you. For example, I still eat dairy because it doesn’t affect me so much, but I don’t eat gluten because that does affect me. Do what is best for you.

Original article


New Fundamentals Begin

New fundamentals classes are beginning 2nd March.

Tuesday & Thursdays, 6 – 7am


Monday & Wednesdays, 6.30 – 7.30pm

Bookings are essential, and can be done at reception. Inquiries are made to 82012842.

Full Gym Membership for CrossFitters!

CrossFit members have full access to all fitness membership services and facilities.

Classes, weights room, squash courts and casual sport hall floor.

To see more visit

Collect your membership card when you join.



CrossFit includes full Fitness Centre access!

Good news CrossFitters!

Every current CrossFit member now has included with their membership FULL FITNESS CENTRE access!

Mix up your workouts, hit up some classes, and get active at other times that suit you!

You get weights, cardio, group fitness, ladies only gym all included – at no extra charge.

Doin’ It In A Dress

You looked VERY tidy CrossFitters… very tidy. Some lovely pins, some great workouts, but most importantly, there was $150 raised for our good cause – educating a girl in Africa.

Thank you one and all for your involvement and generosity!

10626672_742996419102484_1143944213640019022_n 10632692_742996799102446_3889200146175270017_n Doin' It In A Dress