
Nope, its not just you that is completely confused by all that CrossFit jargon, its everyone! CrossFit can seem like a whole new language to those people starting out. Hopefully this will help you ease into it, and decipher some of that CrossFit speak. CrossFit Terminology Made Easy Terms:
    • BOX – Refers to the bare bones of the gym/area where the CrossFit training is taking place.
    • WOD – This stands for ‘workout of the day’. Each day there is a new WOD. Everyone who attends the sessions will be doing the same workout whether is is scaled or RXD
    • RXD – This was stolen from the medical industry and roughly means ‘as prescribed’. When people go ‘RXD’ on a WOD, this means that they were able to complete the full movements at the written weight without having to scale any aspect of the WOD.
    • AMRAP – Stands for ‘as many rounds as possible’. This is a type of workout where there is a set amount of time (e.g. 20 minutes) in which athletes have to achieve as many rounds as possible of a set number of exercises. For Time: This means that there is a set amount of work (e.g. 5 rounds) of certain exercises. Athletes will race the clock to finish the work as fast as possible.
    • Cut Off: For some workout there is a ‘cut off’ time where athletes are made to stop working if they haven’t already finished.
    • Scaling: Scaling refers to the modification of a WOD to make it more achievable. For example, if there are 100kg deadlifts in the WOD, people will be able to lower the weight on the deadlifts to a level that allows them to complete the work, and to ensure they do not injure themselves.
    • Score: This refers to the number of rounds completed within a time frame (AMRAP) or the time in which it took to complete a set amount of work (For Time).
    • CrossFit Games: The CrossFit Games is the ultimate test in the sport of fitness. Each summer the CrossFit Games test participants with a barrage of physical challenges and workouts, ranging from swimming and running to pull-ups and handstand walks. Participants      accrue points over the events, and the male and female winners are crowned World’s Fittest Man & Woman. Sectional and Regional qualifiers narrow the field before the annual Games Weekend. This begins with the CrossFit Open which is a worldwide competition that entered by anyone and done anywhere. CrossFit City 4051 will definitely be hosting Open Workouts for our members when the games season rolls around.
    • Metcon– Metabolic Conditioning (aka Metcon)
    • POOD– Weight of the kettlebell. (1 pood = 35lbs, 1.5 pood = 44lbs, 2 pood = 70lbs)
    • Chalk– Helps with grip and studies show it increase strength;)
    • “Tabata”– Named after Dr. Tabata who design an interval typed of workout doing 20 seconds of moving and 10 second of rest for 8 rounds. (Total of 4 minute per exercise)
    • “CrossFit Total”– Strength WOD that includes your 1RM (Rep Max)
    • Rack Position– Bar resting on your collar bone and anterior deltoids (front shoulder) support by hands.
    • Back Squat– Squat with barbell on your back.
    • Front Squat– Squat with barbell in the “Rack Position” (see above).
    • Overhead Squat– Squat with barbell held overhead.
    • HSPU– Handstand Push-up
    • Double Unders– Jump rope skill.  You jump once and the rope makes 2 revolutions
    • Power Clean– Olympic Lift.  Barbell starts on the ground and end in the rack position (see above).
    • Hang Clean– Olympic Lift. Barbell starts by hanging from your hips and end in the front squat position.
    • Squat Clean– Olympic Lift. Barbell starts on the ground and ends in a front squat.
    • Power Snatch– Olympic Lift.  Barbell starts on the ground and ends up over head.
    • Hang Snatch– Olympic Lift. Barbell starts by hanging from your hips and ends up over your head.
    • Squat Snatch– Olympic Lift. Barbell starts on the ground and ends up in the overhead squat position.
    • Burpee– Gymnastic move that you drop to the ground, do a push-up, jump into a squat and then jump. Best overall movement of CrossFit because it has the move range of movement.
    • Box Jump– Jump onto a box
    • Wallball Shot– Using a medicine ball drop into a front squat position and standing up using the momentum to push to ball to hit the target on the wall.
Some jargon c/- Stoneway CrossFit